XXIV Scientific Meeting of the Spanish Society of Environmental Mutagenesis (SEMA)

Registration and abstract submission is now open. The event will be held from 20-22 June 2018 in Madrid, at the old church of Escuelas Pías de San Fernando. The congress is organized by the Group of Biology and Environmental Toxicology of the National University for Distance Education (UNED) and the Laboratory of Environmental Mutagenesis of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC).

Submitted works will focus on the following topics:

  • Genomic instability, mutagenesis and carcinogenesis
  • DNA damage, repair and protection
  • Epigenetics and omics technologies
  • Gene therapy and genome safety
  • Genotoxic responses: physiological and behavioural alterations
  • Alternative methods to animal testing
  • Climate change and environmental pollution
  • Emerging pollutants
  • Computational Toxicology

Important dates:

Full congress information is available at http://www.mutagenesisambiental.com/reuniones/sema-2018/

The Environmental Mutagenesis and Genomics Society (EMGS) 49th Annual Meeting

Maintaining Genomic Integrity in the Face of Environmental Insult
September 22-26, 2018
San Antonio, Texas, USA


The theme of the 2018 meeting is, “Maintaining Genomic Integrity in the Face of Environmental Insult.”  The meeting will include four plenary sessions featuring renowned scientists working on topical issues:

  • Marc Edwards(Virginia Tech University) – The Flint, MI, Water Crisis
  • Ludmil Alexandrov(University of California at San Diego) – Signatures of Mutational Processes in Human Cancers
  • Elaine Faustman(University of Washington) – Why and How Systems Biology is Revolutionizing our Science
  • Douglas Brash(Yale University) – How a Carcinogen Works: Skin Cancer from the Ground-state Up

We also will have symposia focused on a range of important topics including: early-life exposure to lead and health effects in children; environmental and endogenous causes of cancer etiology; mechanisms of UV mutagenesis; the power and promise of 3D models in toxicological testing; new data on the adverse human health effects of diesel exhaust; transplacental xenobiotic exposures and fetal health; environmental exposures, genotoxicity, and cancer risk in whales; classification of mixtures to predict carcinogenic potential of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons; how diet and metabolism alter DNA repair; epitranscriptomics in environmental response and disease; role of histone modifications in disease; environmental stimulation in human germline mutagenesis; genetic toxicity dose-response data for risk assessment and regulatory decision making; and the role of genotoxicity and epigenotoxicity in declining sperm integrity.

For the conference flyer in PDF format please click here


Please send your proposals to the webmaster