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📢 Don’t miss the abstract deadline (31st of March 2025) for the upcoming EEMGS / CSSMC 2025 meeting 📢

Dear colleague, friends, 📢  Don’t miss the abstract deadline (31st of March 2025) for the upcoming 53rd EEMGS meeting that will take place 1-5th of June 2025 in Bratislava, Slovakia. You can submit your abstract by following the link:...

ICEM 2026 – Submit Your Symposium Title Proposals!

The online form for registering expressions of interest (EoIs) for symposium titles at ICEM 2026 is now open! Find all the details about the submission process and the ICEM meeting here.

Final Conference of ToxLearn4EU: Next-Generation Toxicologists

Join the final conference for the European ERASMUS+ ToxLearn4EU project! Celebrate achievements in training next-gen toxicologists. Online. January 16-17, 2025.

Save the Date for EEMGS / CSSMC 2025 Meeting – June 2-5, 2025

Join us in Bratislava for the 53rd EEMGS Congress and 47th CSSMC Meeting, exploring genomic integrity, public health, and cutting-edge research in environmental mutagenesis.


Wouldn’t it be great to have major papers from the field in one place?
Good news! NI EEMGS have prepared a little research paradise for you!

The EEMGS is comprised of regional mutagenesis societies across many European countries. As a scientific society, we denounce all acts of aggression and discrimination that may affect our members. In these uncertain and challenging times, we would like to extend our support to all scientists working together on Environmental Mutagenesis who share our values of peace and freedom for all


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This site is intended for EEMGS members and any party interested in the broad field of environmental mutagenesis and/or in our activities.

The EEMGS is a scientific society that encourages the study of mutagens and substances of related biological activity in the human environment, particularly as these mutagens may be of concern to public health, and to engage in and sponsor research, study and dissemination of information relating to the foregoing.

We are looking forward to further collaboration!

Amaya Azqueta, Ann-Karin Olsen, Sabine Langie, Paul Fowler, Roland Frötschl, Merle Marie Nicolai, Sona Vodenkova

(the EEMGS Executive Committee)